Okay, so lately I have been absolutely obsessed with shows about obese guys who go around to diners and dives to find the biggest, nastiest meals they can get their grubby hands on. Then they sit down and eat and eat until they nearly puke! I really can't explain this fascination I have with watching dudes pig out. Well, maybe I can--because deep down I know that by watching them pork it up I am living vicariously through them. Now that I am Forty-something (cringe), I simply cannot eat the foods I want in the quantities I desire. It is just not physically possible...
Let's face it, I am not a skinny minnie myself. I can stand to lose a few more pounds. Believe it or not, I am twenty pounds lighter than I use to be, but ya, I still have a ways to go.
Of course, it doesn't really help that I live in a place where meal time is about eating to excess. And where meals consist of all the foods the weight loss experts tell you never to eat. White rice is a staple, and fatty meats are prized over anything lean. When I ask for brown rice, I am given that horrible stare that says:
It also does not help to have a six year old. Six year olds are naturally attracted to things like sugar and fat and stuff with like 2000 or more calories. And where ever you go with a six year old, expect them to demand to have these things until either you surrender willingly or your ears explode---which ever comes first.
And it doesn't help to have a wife that goes and buy all the bad stuff (who by the way does not eat the bad stuff herself) and offers it to you all the time as if you have told her "hey, make sure you give me lots of bad stuff to eat all the time" instead of "no more junk food for me please, I am trying to lose weight!"
Oh well... If you are in a place where the world is full of white rice and donuts, what are ya gonna do? Live like the natives do I guess...
At least the obese overeating food dudes would be proud of me...