Friday, June 24, 2011

First Color Experiment

My first attempt with Gimp program... Obviously I have a lot to learn, specifically how to do gradation and shading effects... No idea how to do that at the moment.  Color does seem to add a different dimension to the drawing, if anything.

Monday, June 20, 2011

How About a Strip That Takes Place in the 1980s!

I use to draw these characters in the 1990s, but the 90s are so uninteresting that I thought I would try to retool the strip for the 1980s.  So much more to make fun of in the 80s anyway.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

On Being the Father of a Six Year Old

Being a dad is so often full of contradictions...

You think you know what you are doing, but most of the time you are just battling to get your way...
You think you're the authority on everything, until you realize you don't really have the answer to anything...
Really the main thing we need to do is stop trying to control all the time... Well, I guess we need to control things some of the times?
Most of the time, I think sadly to myself that I am turning into my parents...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011

On Being a Silly Dork

Into Phineas and Ferb, very silly...
Into all things Lego and Star Wars, even more silly...
Into sleeping with a stuffed Wall-E, beyond silly...
Being mistaken for 25 at 41, priceless!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011

My Mexican Restaurant

Let me just say, you can get some pretty rockin Asian cuisine in Honolulu, second only to a few places I will never forget in San Francisco.  Not that it's cheap by any means (nothing is here).  The cheap stuff is locally referred to as "plate lunch" and is pretty much every where you go.

It usually consists of a couple of scoops of white rice (yes, my old friend...) and some type of meat.  If you are lucky, you might get a random vegetable.  And, of all things, at a lot of places you can substitute one scoop of rice for macaroni salad (mac salad).  If you ask me, macaroni said is extremely disgusting, so why it is a stable of Hawaiian cuisine is a complete mystery to me.

The food I miss most from California is Mexican.  The Mexican food in Hawaii is flat out terrible.  Sometimes I fantasize about bringing real Mexican food to Hawaii.  Or at least the great home-style stuff that I am use to from California.  I could be... the Burrito King!
Well, I can dream right...

Friday, June 10, 2011

The All Too Common Mynah (or, the Bully Bird)

My drawing of a Common Mynah.
The common mynah is right!  These guys are EVERYWHERE in Hawaii... Not only that, they travel in packs.  No mynah is ever alone.  He usually has at least one more buddy to back him up, if not 5 or 10.  They are the bullies of the bird world here.  They push aside the smaller birds and terrorize the fat pigeons.  Yet they skitter and run at the first sign of people.  Here is a picture I took of one (which is not easy to do since they flee when you are closer than 15 feet or so):
They are very noisy and utterly obnoxious, like any bully I suppose.  The sad thing is, they don't really belong here.  Like most pest birds, they were brought here, and now they spend their time pushing around other birds and basically destroying the naive bird population.  Plus, they love to poop all over my car...  Nice work if you can get it I guess.  You do have to admit, that they are somewhat attractive--as birds go.  Isn't that true of most bullies?  Well, at least girls seem to think so.  The whole bad boy thing, right?
 #$*@! Birds!