Thursday, July 14, 2011

Get a Job!

NOTE:  (A day later) I just thought of a clever tag line...  Dave with windblown hair says:  Hey, do that again!  It's better than the air conditioner.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Hilarious Crazy Girl at Work

We have this hilarious crazy girl at work who tells the best stories.  She doesn't even mean to be funny, she just can't help it.  One of the best stories is why she won't give to the homeless:
As she tells it, she use to give to the homeless quite a bit.  One time, when she was off to get donuts for the office, she saw a poor guy lounging in the parking lot and decided to do him a solid.
Well, when she finally got her donuts, the happy homeless dude decided to meet her again in the parking lot.  As he tells it, he wanted to do what he could to "repay" her for her kindness.

As you can guess, the guy had nothing on underneath that large overcoat...  "Needless to say," as she tells it.  "As I ran to my car, donuts were flying everywhere!"
 And the real irony?  Our job is to provide housing for the homeless!