Friday, June 10, 2011

The All Too Common Mynah (or, the Bully Bird)

My drawing of a Common Mynah.
The common mynah is right!  These guys are EVERYWHERE in Hawaii... Not only that, they travel in packs.  No mynah is ever alone.  He usually has at least one more buddy to back him up, if not 5 or 10.  They are the bullies of the bird world here.  They push aside the smaller birds and terrorize the fat pigeons.  Yet they skitter and run at the first sign of people.  Here is a picture I took of one (which is not easy to do since they flee when you are closer than 15 feet or so):
They are very noisy and utterly obnoxious, like any bully I suppose.  The sad thing is, they don't really belong here.  Like most pest birds, they were brought here, and now they spend their time pushing around other birds and basically destroying the naive bird population.  Plus, they love to poop all over my car...  Nice work if you can get it I guess.  You do have to admit, that they are somewhat attractive--as birds go.  Isn't that true of most bullies?  Well, at least girls seem to think so.  The whole bad boy thing, right?
 #$*@! Birds!

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